Navigate Your Financial Future with Confidence

As you contemplate divorce, spousal support, more commonly known as alimony, becomes a vital aspect to consider. This financial support, paid by one spouse to the other, aims to aid a financially dependent spouse transition from dependency to self-sufficiency post-divorce. Alimony is not ordered in every case, and it's not gender-specific. Either spouse may be required to pay alimony in a divorce case.

Unlike child support, there isn't a specific formula the court uses to determine support alimony. Instead, a judge takes into account a multitude of factors, including a demonstrated need for alimony, an ability to pay it, the spouses' living standards, the duration of the marriage, the health and age of each spouse, the earning ability and education of each spouse, and the parties' financial means. A judge possesses broad discretion in deciding whether alimony should be paid, its necessary amount, and payment terms. Under specific circumstances, alimony can be modified or terminated.

Several different types of alimony or spousal support might be applicable to your situation. These include temporary, permanent, rehabilitative, lump sum, durational, and permanent periodic alimony. Spousal support may be taxable or non-taxable, modifiable or non-modifiable, and permanent or for a fixed period. At Flaherty Law Firm, we stress the importance of each client being fully informed of their rights and potential implications of receiving or paying spousal support.

Spousal support can significantly influence your finances and lifestyle, whether you're the one who has worked outside the home or the one who has been a stay-at-home parent. The attorneys at Flaherty Law Firm leverage their extensive knowledge and expertise to negotiate or litigate the issue of support alimony, ensuring you secure the ruling you deserve. Whether you're seeking payment of support alimony or defending against an alimony claim, we're here to assist. If you have questions or concerns about support alimony in your case, please contact us to schedule a free, confidential legal consultation and evaluation of your rights.